Flom Community Club
The Flom Community is an active part of the Flom Community. It's members are constantly in search of ways to keep the community thriving. The club goal is to sustain and enhance the lives of the people that live in and around the Flom Community.
2017 Board Members:
President: Christina Lien, Flom
Vice-President: Brooke Lunde, Twin Valley
Treasurer: Mindy Lunde, Waubun
Secretary: Alayna Klemetson, Flom
Join us for monthly meetings on the first Monday of each month.
2017 Board Members:
President: Christina Lien, Flom
Vice-President: Brooke Lunde, Twin Valley
Treasurer: Mindy Lunde, Waubun
Secretary: Alayna Klemetson, Flom
Join us for monthly meetings on the first Monday of each month.